How mPOS can help your Christmas trading

If you’re looking to increase revenue, cut costs and improve the customer experience this festive season, then mobile point of sale (mPOS) could be the answer.

mPOS is a mobile phone or tablet that acts as an electronic till (or point of sale) system alongside a card payment device. It’s great for queue-busting at busy times — lunchtimes, evenings and weekends as we come up to Christmas.


The benefits

Because mPOS is portable, staff can serve customers wherever they are in store. This helps convert browsers into buyers, which boosts revenue. It also improves the customer experience with speedier service and fewer lost sales.

With mPOS, stores have the flexibility to deploy staff more efficiently as and when they are needed with no sacrifice of retail space. Similarly, with no wires or cables, mPOS uses floorspace efficiently. That’s a bonus at this time of year, when you want to devote space to displaying merchandise not processing payments.

If you’re operating pop-up stores, concessions or trading outside your main store environment at this time of year, mPOS will also help you get up and running with card acceptance quickly.


Train your staff

It sounds obvious but make sure you train your staff how to process payment on the mPOS device. They are in the perfect position to reassure and guide customers to make mobile payments a success.
Train them on how your set-up works. There’s nothing worse for customers than something they thought would be quicker actually taking longer. Ensure your staff know how to use the terminal, prompt the customer and offer a receipt.

If your mPOS set-up includes a tablet where staff can do more guided or curated selling, ensure they are trained accordingly. This is critical for closing sales, increasing revenue and building brand loyalty.


Integrate with PXP ANYpay

At PXP Financial, we believe that mPOS complements an in-store POS. So, we’ve made our mPOS solution compatible with your existing integration to ANYpay POS.

If you’re running the latest version of ANYpay POS, mPOS in-store can be rolled out in a single API integration. This is deployed remotely for maximum speed and convenience. All the configuration is done on the back-end.

For a free consultation about your particular mPOS needs, contact us via the form below.


PXP Financial

The End-to-end payment platform

PXP Financial provides a single unified payments platform to accept payments online, on mobile and at the point of sale. Powered by inhouse global acquiring, 200+ alternative payment methods & financial services, PXP processes over EUR 16 billion annually through our unified gateway.

Whatever your business needs today or tomorrow, PXP Financials’ innovative payment platform will support your business growth with all the payment services you will ever need from one source, wherever your business takes you.

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