Get up and running quickly with pay-by-link


As shops plan to reopen and implement social distancing due to Coronavirus, businesses are looking for new ways to trade.

Customers are as different as the businesses that serve them. Not every customer feels comfortable ordering and paying for goods online. Not every business trades extensively from physical stores or a transactional website. So, during the Covid crisis, it pays to explore new options.

Pay-by-link ticks many of the boxes for an easy, additional way to pay and be paid. It allows you to generate a one-time email or text after a customer has called or visited your website. Customers click on the secure link and enter they payment details to pay. It’s quick, convenient and secure for consumers, but also for those who accept payment.


If you already use PXP Financial’s ANYpay gateway, enabling pay-by-link is the work of hours not days. The integration also means that sending payment reminders is simple. You always have visibility of payment status. So customers who have already paid do not receive reminders. Customers for whom the final balance, next instalment or monthly subscription is due receive a timely reminder with a payment link attached.


Pay-by-link side-steps the time-consuming business of taking orders over the telephone and typing card details directly into payment terminals. It can also help businesses move from a cash-on-delivery to a pre-pay model. Card payments are authorised within seconds. Depending on acquirer agreements, businesses can receive funds the same day, which is great for cashflow.


Being able to send a customer a secure, one-time link for them to order and pay direct also avoids various data security issues. These are mainly around storing, processing and transmitting sensitive card data. Payments are also taken within a 3D-Secure environment, which lowers the likelihood of disputed payments and chargebacks — another bonus.


To find out more

PXP Financial has recently announced a new partnership with Prommt, the payment request platform, to enable secure pay-by-link via email and SMS. This complements PXP’s existing payment channels and is now available to all PXP customers via the ANYpay gateway. This new service is also available with PXP’s own acquiring service.

If you’d like to learn more about how PXP and Prommt can transform the way you request, collect and manage payments, book a demo today. Simply email or complete your details on the form below.


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