Excited to be attending ICE London, 4-6 February 2020

PXP Financial will be attending ICE London, at ExCel London on 4-6 February. Come and see us at stand N9-134 to find out more about how we are the perfect partner for gaming operators. To book a meeting, please click here.

PXP Financial has been active in the regulated gaming sector since the start, When it comes to supporting gaming operators reach more players, maximise conversion and player loyalty plus diversify across channels and markets, we’ve been there, done that and got the T-shirt with our clients!

We offer a single unified payments platform to accept payments online, on mobile and at the point of sale. This means providing a stable, secure payments platform with an up-time of 99.9%.. It’s what our gaming, retail and hospitality clients expect. And it’s what we expect of ourselves.

Maintaining and developing a technology platform is important, particularly when not all technology platforms are created equally. Ours is modular, lean and agile, and has been developed for maximum flexibility. We’re flexible in responding to customer needs. And our clients can also configure components in a way that makes the most sense for their business.

It doesn’t really matter what hardware or applications you run, or which financial institutions you choose to work with. It certainly shouldn’t impede your multi-channel or international ambitions. As an agnostic provider, we have the necessary APIs and SDKs to integrate with everything and everyone.


Personal touch

Technology is only part of the story. What really makes PXP Financial different — and why our gaming clients appreciate us — is our deep domain expertise in the sector. After all, we were initially created by a gaming operator so our technology, by design, has all of the specifics you need to operate in the sector.

We’re not aiming to be the biggest all-around payments provider. We believe that’s when you lose both focus and the personal touch. Rather, we measure ourselves on the nature and quality of our client relationships.

We aim to get close to our gaming clients. So much so, we have daily calls with our largest operators in the sector. This may be to improve conversion and fraud rates, optimise treasury practices, or configure reports to extract maximum value from data.

Our reporting suite and interactive dashboards make data-driven decisions possible. And as we capture 40+ data points for each transaction, we can better understand business problems and, in many cases, identify root causes. For example, around acceptance, fraud and chargebacks.

Similarly, those looking to expand into new markets or channels, can benefit from our payment portfolio builder. We evaluate acceptance and risk ratios per payment type for you.

Player metrics are also important. We can identify your customer’s first and second choice of payment method for a specific country or region. And then build fallback options for a higher conversion rate based on individual or a combination of payment methods.


A year of satisfaction

PXP Financial was launched on the 6th February 2019, which coincides with this year’s ICE London event. So, we decided to put the ICE-ing on the birthday cake and celebrate our first anniversary at the event.

Throughout the three-day expo, we will be on hand to discuss our unified technology platform. Complete with reporting dashboards and data capture for transactions, these are the tools that PXP Financial has become known for in the gaming sector. Our experts will be ready to answer any questions visitors may have.

In addition, we’ll be following up our 2019 whitepaper, ‘Are Payments the Key for Maximising Gen Z Appeal for the High Street’, with a focus on Gen Z appeal within the gaming industry. Therefore, we’ll be calling on the industry’s finest minds at ICE to complete a short survey and share their expert opinion and insight. As a thank you for your time and signing up to our blog at the end of the survey, we’ll be giving away three Apple Watches over the course of ICE.

To find out more about our proposition for the gaming sector, come and see us at ICE London, stand N9-134. Or to book a meeting, please click here.





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