At PXP Financial, Client Advocacy is at the Heart of Everything We Do

We’ve mentioned it before, but PXP is actually an acronym for People X Platform. This message is a part of the DNA that makes up PXP Financial, as our platform provides an overall supporting business tool in all its dimensions and brings together payment and financial services experts, alliances, partnerships, technology, payment products and financial and professional services.

Every commercial company has three core dimensions in its activity; it must provide great products and services, aim to process excellence to deliver and maintain its products and services, and it has to have great customer relationships. At PXP Financial, we focus on being great at all three dimensions but the one we choose to be excellent at is our client relationships without any compromise. – Koen Vanpraet, Group CEO, PXP Financial.

Every one of our clients and partners is unique, with their own set of challenges and needs. At PXP Financial we go above and beyond to understand and address these challenges in our services. After all, we believe technology only serves a purpose when it is relevant and solves a specific requirement or problem. It is to that end that we place client advocacy as one of the most important practices of our business. We focus on what is best for our clients and aim to deliver relevant and personal solutions and services to fit those requirements.

Client advocacy is an idea we have been living and breathing for years at PXP Financial, and we have built several initiatives to walk the talk; whether it is through our regular self-critical performance reviews, personal client satisfaction interviews, annual performance reviews with key clients, joint roadmap alignment workshops, and much more, but it all comes together with our inaugural PXP Financial Client Advisory Board. This board will give our clients a direct insight and influence on our service development as well as our product and service roadmap. This would be followed by a joint workshop to discuss market and technology trends and agree on an overview of what goals need to be met in the upcoming months and how PXP Financial tracks against the plan.

The intention is to delight our clients as it offers them insight into the whole organisation, not just the account managers they would usually communicate with on a daily basis. It gives us a chance to show our ‘customer first’ attitude that we pride ourselves on directly to the clients themselves. This attitude is something we also look for in our employees, doing so from the very start of recruitment. This way, we can ensure that everything from our commercial activity to the way our technology is built and how accounts are onboarded has this consistent customer focus.

PXP Financial offers great products and services. We also focus on efficient processes to deliver, implement and maintain our products and services, but we top this up with a far more personal and relevant relationship with our clients that focuses on long term partnerships, effective results and tangible efficiency. For us, the next step in our client advocacy programme will be an upcoming workshop at the end of this month that our board of customers will attend. It will be an exciting day and we will make sure to share some of the insight on our blog, following the event.


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